man, that old saying, the one about having no expectations is true. more often than not the lower you set the bar on your expectation level, the better off you are going to end up feeling. so…rengeade craft fair in la – congratulations and good job! multiple pats on the back for a really low key no hassle fair. totally loved it. i was actually dreading it because of the location (la state historic park). why? because wig had played the “we the people” festival there 2 summers ago and i thought the location absolutely sucked ass for that event. there’s really not much of anything historic there nor does it really feel like a cool park – more like a green field and brown dusty parking lot. anyway, i was wrong – turns out this is was a great location for a craft fair.
i think etsy was one of the sponsors and they did a great job. huge bonus points for the fact that you could bring your dog in – how awesome is that. in an age where it seems everyone bitches about dogs there were no canine hang ups. it was really up to all the dog owners there to be responsible and cool with their dogs…and they were. when there’s a horrible behaving dog out in public the first person you should be looking at with disgust is the owner cos it’s their fault for not being able to control it. don’t agree with me? go to runyun canyon and you will see. summing up: the event was super mellow, super clean, super fun and and super awesome. and oh yeah…the main reason i went there in the first place to finally hang out with matt cipov (see pic). i also got a chance to eat a sandwich on a grassy little knoll and take in the lovely day. win mf’n win.