i had the unlucky pleasure to hurt myself a month ago while at the gym. this was only the second ever sports related injury i have every had. here’s a view of my spine after i crawled into the chiropractic school to get an x-ray. thank god it wasnt anything that you could see in the x-ray…that’s the good news. the bad news is that i have been rehab’ing sciatic nerve damage since. i’m not sure how many of you have ever experienced this type of pain but it’s intense and easily not an injury i would wish on my worst enemy…well, i obviously take that last one back. i would wish it on my worst enemy actually.
thanks to the best chiro in the world (adam yoser) i have gone from not being able to walk at all to being able to run again. i just can’t tie my shoes or put on my socks yet without a burning pain going thru the middle of my calf into the middle of my left butt check. fuck – it really brings new meaning to the word pain in my ass.
how many of you have had this and what helped?