why francisten.com? well, it was about time. im doing a variety of things these days and my online identity has become how shall i say… a bit scattered. this site will be the best way to keep all of my different ventures in front of me. it also seems like the most natural evolution of my previous blog (fran’s blog) on the west indian girl site. the only difference between them will be that this one wont have the boundaries of trying to just keep it “band” related. of course the the” 2 with tens” will be here…band(s) news will be here along with other random thoughts. that said, welcome to my official ground zero where i can be as little or as much of an asshole as i want to be. bon appetit.
special thanx to dylan who not only helped me get this site up and running but also kept on me about my blogging haitus
kampy – we might be playing in sd in a week – i will update for sure…also a show in la end of aug. gimme a call sometime
F10… good to see what you’re up to. I was just talking to someone about I wish there were some WIG activity this summer… it seems eerily quiet on the WIG front lately.
A LOT has changed in my life recently. Some bad/some good. We need to hang soon and catch up…
yo chalkmaze! good to hear from ya – thanx…i agree – this site puts it all in one place and it’s something that is easy to keep up with.
Cool man… I think making this site was a good idea. It will be good to check up and see what you’re up to every now and again.